宽带高频信号放大器 PG631 / PG331
型号︰ | PG631, PG331 |
品牌︰ | 普利微尔 |
原产地︰ | 韩国 |
产品规格︰ | Frequency 5-4000 MHz Gain 18.6 dB P1dB 19.1 dBm OIP3 32.6 dBm NF 4.1 dB Voltage 5 V Current 68 mA Package SOT-89 |
产品优点︰ | The PG631 / PG331 is a high performance InGaP HBT MMIC Amplifier and consists of Darlington pair amplifiers. The PG631 / PG331 features high linear performance, wideband operation and high reliability. The PG631 / PG331 is designed for enabling to stable performance over temperature using an internal active bias and temperature compensated circuit. The PG631 / PG331 operates from a single voltage supply and requires only two DC-blocking capacitors and an inductor for operation. A bias resistor is not required, the device biased directly from single supply voltage. The device is a general purpose buffer amplifier that offers high dynamic range in a low cost surface-mounted plastic SOT-89 package. All devicesare100%RFandDCtested. |